The Family Newsletter
Vol. 8, 2015
(to see Vol. 7, 2014: click here)

Editor: David B.
Bella had a great start for the year by taking two medals at a Gold Medal Meet on Jan 25th
Click on this photo to see press release
On January 29th David was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa
The "Russians" performed by Sarah & Abhi in the Nutcracker
The family gathered at "Rico's Ristorante" on
March 8th to celebrate Bella & Karen's Birthdays.
Easter 2015
After checking out our Easter Baskets it was off to Nonna & Grandpa's
In April Sarah & David joined the cast of the Pratt House Players to present
"The Mysterious Card"
For the past several years Sarah has worked as a volunteer at the church "Mission Boutique". The Boutique has been so successful that they are currently in the process of constructing their own building. To see an interview with Sarah click on the group photo above!
On October 18th, three generations of our family gathered at Vince's Gourmet Imports in North Syracuse, N.Y. to take a cooking class to learn something of our Italian heritage and to pay tribute to Great Grandpa Luigi Petricola.
Click on the photo for a "Pigs Tale"